Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Happiness Quotes and sayings

Lasting happiness depends on how much maturity a man has been able to assemble- some of it derived from being desperately unhappy. It is a consequence of at least a moderate amount of education or training, because happiness requires a decently stocked mind. It is bound up with the ability to work, and to be readily interested in the world around you. - June Callwood
 The richer, the more highly developed, the more completely unified or integrated in the personality, the more capable it is of sustained happiness, in spite of intercurrent pains of all sorts. -William McDougall 
 Happiness has a habit of pursuing the person who feels grateful to his god, comfortable with his conscience, in favor of his friends, in love with his labours and in balance with his bank.-Willaim Ward
 Unhappiness is in not knowing what we want and in killing ourselves to get it. -   Don Herold

 We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.- George Benard shaw

The nicest thing about feeling happy is that you think you will never feel unhappy again- Manuel  Puig.

 When happiness or sorrow becomes chronic, then it becomes dangerous. Permanent sorrow is produced by exaggerated pictures of our imagination; the longer we allow ourselves to dwell in that state the further we drift from reality. Permanent happiness tends to make most people selfish, oblivious of reality, and uninterested in anything their own happiness.- Rom Landau
 Happiness is a wondrous commodity: the more you give , the more you have. -Madame de stael
 The three great essentials of happiness are: something to do something to love and something to hope for.- A. Chalmers
 The happy man is he who has free affection and wide interests, who secures his happiness through these affections and interests and though the fact that they, in turn, make him an object of interest and affection to many others.- Bertrand Russell.
Happy is the man who can  laugh at himself. He will never cease to be amused. -Habbib Bourguiba
 Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they did not enjoy it. - William Feather
 The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions- the little soon- forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heart- felt compliment-countless infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feeling.- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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