Saturday 23 November 2013

Happiness: The Secret of Life

Hi friends... Do you know what is happiness?

Everyone might tell about their experienced happiness. Somebody point out happiness is in outside. I asked my friends, where do happiness resides in? Some of them told going out, making get together, making parties, in nightclubs, in beach, in restaurant, in theater oh sorry, but the list goes on.

Happiness never lies outside. It's in our mind. It's inside. We can't search outside, may be enjoying at outside gives happiness but its not complete happiness. It's a partial one.

 Don't dwell in the past, Do not dream of the future, Be in the present moment. by Buddha.

Do you understand this. Whether is it possible? How a human can be in the present moment?
It is possible. Being at the present moment. The magical secret of human happiness, past is something which happened, future we can dream but, what about present? The Present moment is the moment of happiness, the present moment is the moment for the blissful state, the present moment is the moment where you can forget all problems around you and being in the joy full state. Present moment awareness. Buddhist they call it as Mind fullness. One type of meditation and the best meditation ever since.

Present Moment Awareness

Awareness: to feel

You should concentrate on the present location  for e.g., if you are at work, work at the moment, if you are sleeping, sleep completely, if you are having a bath, take completely enjoy the coolness of water. Slowly you will start to feel the present moment.

You must listen whatever is happening around you by activating all your senses. If you are having a cup of tea, your eye should enjoy the color, your ear should hear the zipping sound, your tongue should experience that taste, your hand should feel the heat, your nose should smell it. Try to do if you have time.

The moment you are in present. Then you achieve the happiness state. 

Awareness: How to get away from negative thoughts?

Negative Thoughts:

My previous post concluded that, mind is our collection of thoughts.

Note, an average human being is thinking about 60000 thoughts/day. Oops. Can't you think this? If you think this thought. You have 60000+1 thoughts.

So westerners believed that, we can control our mind partially. Thoughts are great in number. A person will become tired if he/she controls his/her own thoughts so, they came up with one idea. We can control our thoughts by controlling our concerns, consciousness. 

Classification of Thoughts:
  1. Positive Thoughts Right arrow Happiness, Pleasure, Excitement, Optimistic, Busy working, Agility, vivacity.
  2. Negative Thoughts Right arrow Sad, Depressed, Worries, Fear, Anxiety, etc.                                    
From this, approximately we have 30000 positive thoughts, 30000 negative thoughts. If we try to change our consciousness, we could get away from negative thoughts. You may get confused, this way is also one way of controlling our thoughts only. Please make a note, I haven't told any thing about suppressing our thoughts. I have told only about how to get away from thoughts.

I request everyone of you to try this method to get away from negative thoughts. Being in a happy mood would  prevent you from negative thoughts.

What is Mind?

Hi friends, do you know what is Mind? Many psychologist, many experts and philosophers have said many things about our mind but every one is ready to understand their own mind.

OK. A mind is a collection of our thoughts. One basic question arises from everyone who are googling. How to control our mind? Please apologize me, we can't control our mind including me.

OK. Please my friends, if you are planning for controlling your mind, please be aware of that.

You can ask me another question. Are you a psychologist? Are you a saint? Ha Ha Ha (laughs). The answer for this question. Respected ladies and gentle man, The Great Buddha, he is not a psychologist. I am not Buddha. I follow him.

I am here concluding that, controlling our minds is not at all possible.  

I Need Happiness


Hi, I am Surendhar. I Need Happiness is the blog which is created for the purpose of all the Happy Seekers. Whoever it may be, not bothering about their ages.

A person can write their own problems and issues. They can manifest their thoughts, they can share, solve another problem and find the best way of understanding their life.

Here, what is the main theme of this blog?  Mind and its Behavior. How the Mind is revolving one's own life?

Information are provided with my own interest and my own experiences. These blog is entirely authored by me, this blog is self written.

So, Be ready friends, I won't say you are my visitors. You are my friends. So we can change our life. solve the issues around and make the betterment of our life. Thank you.......

                                                                                                              By   Surya